Thursday, October 14, 2010

Intuitive or Calculated Art

The Wedding

Here's a couple of paintings that have been executed with two very different processes. To begin a piece I need to find a "point of departure". In order to start the journey I have to get off the dock and onto the boat somehow. There are many ways to begin. Here's two.
In the painting of the old car with the bridesmaids reflected in the bodywork I had a definite story I wanted to tell. I began with several sketches and had the whole composition sorted before picking up a brush. I photographed my nephews bridal party and a neighbor's Model A Ford. I was in the middle of a series of car paintings and this one fit right in.
The other painting "Surfacing" began with an general image in my mind that had a very strong, personal meaning. I just started without knowing where I was going and the thing painted itself. Because of how this idea came about I think it can be interpreted subjectively and may mean different things to various viewers. If it speaks to you let me know; I'd be very interested.

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